Train of thought, as understood by Thomas Hobbes, the English philosopher (1588-1679) was the succession of one thought to another. A train of thought, then, refers to the interconnection of a sequence, series or succession of thoughts or events. It may also refer to a path of reasoning. Or, how this sequence leads from one idea to another. The sequence, however, is not necessarily a linear one. And so, and notably in ideation, the sequence is rarely straightforward but rather an iterative or cyclical process, of trial-and-error. However, train of thought can also be interpreted literally. For example, Charles Dickens, the English novelist (1812-1870) found that, on a train journey, observing from a railway carriage was 'always a wonderful suggestive place'. Indeed, there are many places and spaces - and activities that can inspire creativity or trigger imagination, from the inherent character of nature to divers social or cultural settings. Indeed, the more unique or unusual the physical spaces or place, or unconventional the activity, on their own or in imaginative combinations, the greater the chance to set in motion pioneering thoughts or breakthrough ideas.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Train of thought
Monday, January 15, 2024
Idea curation
The rapid advancement of generative AI may suggest that AI and automation could replace entry-level designers, that is, designers whose main tasks are with creating repetitive designs. But even more senior designers might be at risk as their roles are becoming impacted of AI which is capable of keeping up with the latest design trends and fulfil the needs of mainstream clients,. One approach to turning the risk into opportunity could be designers adapting to a new role where they can act as curators of AI-generated products and services, rather than being sole ideators themselves. That is, using AI as a tool, pulling and filtering ideas from as many places and people as possible (sourcing, organising and prioritising) and then, in conversation with others (sharing insights), asserting and selecting the best. In this way, AI can augment creativity as well as making it more challenging. Indeed, many designers prefer using generative AI over working without it, and they collaborate more effectively when using it. AI-proofed designers, then, may be those whose ideas are crafted and curated with AI integrated in their workflow.
Tuesday, January 02, 2024
Blank canvas
The idiom "blank canvas" traditionally refers to a painter's canvas that has yet to be painted on. As such it implies the canvas can be easily filled with entirely new things, or, a metaphor for limitless possibilities. But when anything is possible, where to begin? This highlights the reality of most design activities which are full of constraints as expressed in the design brief (objective, site, time, budget etc). Limitation, then, forces the designer to embrace constraints imposed by the design brief. Paradoxically, then, constraint heightens rather than feebles the ideation process. That is, constraint acts as a driver for innovation, not unlike the proverb "necessity is the mother of innovation", or, "if someone really needs to do something, they will find a way of doing it."