Das Lied von der Erde ("The Song of the Earth"), is a musical work by Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), a composition comprised of six songs sourced from ancient Chinese poetry rendered into German. The poetic songs reflect the vision of earthly beauty and transience. Such a vision has influenced cultural practice throughout the ages and, as a philosophical concept, can be found in, for example, the Japanese aesthetic, wabi-sabi, which holds that beauty is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete" in nature, and where transience itself is beautiful. And so too in contemporary design where modernity and tradition come together in an interchange of cultural learning resulting in material objects and artefacts inspired and influenced by nature, craft and technology which are all aspects of the same global whole. And more so in an age demanding sustainability, healthy ecosystems and environments. Indeed ideas of the earth.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
Ideas of the earth
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Presenting and communicating ideas
Ideation necessarily includes presenting and communicating ideas, the "what" and "how" of ideation. Or simply put, making a presentation is a way of communicating ideas to an audience where communication is the act of transferring information, here the idea from one place, person or group to another. The transferring of the idea to an audience depends on a number of factors such as the cultural
context, the medium used to communicate, emotions and location. Take the available means for communicating, for instance, which include verbal, written, visual as well as non-verbal forms (the latter when presenting in person) and the range of channels, including face-to-face, video conferencing, and social media and it becomes clear that successful ideas communication depends on the complexity of the content as well as understanding the intended audience. For example, studies show that concise text paired with visuals helps comprehension of ideas more easily. Or, to convey a complex concept based on, say technical information is easier via a text document than a spoken message. On the other hand, if interaction with the audience would be more appropriate or desirable, a conversation may be more effective than delivering a presentation
Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/what-is-communication.htmlssage.
Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/what-is-communication.html
Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/what-is-communication.html
Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/what-is-communication.html
Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/what-is-communication.html
Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/what-is-communication.html
Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/what-is-communication.htmlMoreover, audience feedback can be crucial for the ideator, as presenter to make sure the audience has understood the idea as intended also allowing for any confusion to be corrected. However, if the idea would be best served by interaction with the audience, a conversation is probably more appropriate and effective than delivering a presentation.
Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/present/what-is-a-presentation.html
Read more at: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/present/what-is-a-presentation.html
Thursday, January 07, 2021
Ideation platform
While ideation is not confined to particular physical places or spaces, the shift towards working remotely, or Out of Office triggered by the global virus pandemic in early 2020 highlighted the importance of designers being able to continue sharing ideas with colleagues online. For example, to be able to sketch first thoughts and ideas, or draw schematics when discussions around, say a flip chart or white board are not available, as was typically the case before the pandemic. That is, creating an Off Studio ideation platform that enable designers to make real-time connections providing an ideas exchange irrespective of geographical location. Also, in remote mode, when the physical studio environment is supplanted by technology, artificial intelligence and cloud computing may suggest turning ideas into "big data", a format that could further enhance creativity and innovation on a collaborative basis. Yet while adaptive and flexible working is the order of the day, including video meetings and screen sharing, most designers would agree that studio culture and creativity inevitably suffer when people work entirely remotely. Remote working, then, is hardly a long-term replacement for meeting face-to-face, particularly for very personal businesses such as design. Indeed, as a general observation, the more technology, the more people want to meet in person to bounce ideas off each other, and build trust with one another.