Monday, November 13, 2006


i-sketch is an outward manifestation of ideas, of thoughts and feelings taking visual, concrete or abstract forms.

Indeed, ideas need to be externalised, or nobody else would know about them. So sketching becomes a matter of communication, of thinking aloud, of getting the ideas out (see also Ideation Workshop).

But what is the impact of digital technology on sketching with pen and paper? Software drawing tools can help create sketches or transform ready-made pictures into sketch-like images. Does this make the digital sketch different from the analogue? And if so, why?

Any perceived dichotomy between analogue and digital sketch modes, however, may overlook or underestimate how representation of ideas is the surface structure of ideas whereas the meaning of ideas is embedded in the deep structure of language. Idea sketching, then, as deep structure, suggests a sense-making activity that is independent of any drawing system, style or technique, analogue or digital.

i-sketch, then, and whether as a means of self-expression or communication, emphasises the integrative and non-hierarchical relationship between mind, eye and hand highlighting both the cognitive and sentient aspects of sketching, and irrespective of medium or discipline.