Sunday, February 26, 2012

Art and/or design?

If art is a completely free uncensored platform to imaginatively explore whatever the artist wants without fear of censure, what is then design? Is it that design is an imaginative yet purposeful exploration with regards to the particular needs of a situation or person? Is then the difference between art and design that design is utilitarian in a way that art is not? To make the distinction matters because educators in art and design need to be clear about their aims, objectives, curriculum content and pedagogy.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Myths, truths, and fashion

On the Fashion System (1967) Roland Barthes says: 'Contrary to the myth of
improvisation, of caprice, of fantasy, of free creativity, we can see that fashion
is strongly coded. It is ruled by combination in which there is a finite reserve
of elements and certain rules of change. The whole set of fashion features for
each year is found in the collection of features which has its own rules and
limits, like grammar'. Now, doesn't Barthes' provocation contain a grain of truth
for most design disciplines?