Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Idea ex machina

Deus ex machina, is a Latin phrase meaning 'god from the machine', a term originating from ancient Greek theatre where devices ('stage machines') were used to either lower or raise actors, from above or below onto the stage to dazzle the audience with the appearance of the gods in the drama, as a kind of 'coup de théâtre'. Used as a plot device evers since in theatre, literature, cinema and video games, from Shakespeare's Hamlet to Wachkowski's Matrix and Rowling's Harry Potter to solve a seemingly intractable problem by adding in an unexpected character, object, or situation, to bring about a pleasing outcome, the device has, however, been crticised as an inept, or too simplistic plot device. Yet, arguably the device opens up creative possibilities and, in the digital age, the notion of 'deus ex machina', where the computer would be the machine, may suggest 'idea ex machina', that is, in the ideation process software becomes a plot device towards problem solving.