Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Ideas (c)

OK, so you've got a brilliant idea. Should you protect it? Well, if your idea is worth copying it might be worth protecting it under Intellectual Property rights, IP. But it depends on a number of factors including the nature of your idea. For example, is it artistic, say, a conceptual sketch, or a three-dimensional object such as a chair? One basic form of protection is to use a confidentiality agreeement before you disclose your idea to others. Or if defending your IP rights prove too difficult or expensive, say court action, you can try "naming & shaming" those who infringe your IP rights. If you write a contract, try to retain all intellectual property rights and let the client only receive a licence to use what you have created. But above all, your idea must be clearly expressed, not just reside in your head, and you have to prove ownership of it. For IP legislation see http://www.ipo.gov.uk/

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