Saturday, November 23, 2013

Web 3.0 ideation?

Web 1.0 sites are content driven and the user has no way to increase their involvement or interact with the interface (Key words: Closed, Individual Publishing, One-Way Communication, Passive Involvement, Read-Only Content & Personal Websites). Web 2.0 sites move beyond mere posting of content by allowing the user to become part of the process through collaboration (Key words: Collaborative, Group Participation, Two-Way Communication, Active Involvement, User-Generated Content & Blogging). Web 3.0 (the “semantic Web”) is the next logical step in the evolution of the Internet whereby computers will be generating raw data on their own. For Web 1.0 and 2.0, the Internet is trapped within the physical walls of the computer, but as more devices become connected to the Web, such as smartphones and other everyday consumer electronics, household appliances, and general infrastructure, the Internet will be set free and become omnipresent. Devices will be able to exchange data between each other and even generate new information, e.g. anticipating what individual users may want or need based on their previous selections or purchases. This may suggest the Internet will be able to help generate, develop and communicate ideas faster and more efficiently and tailored to the actual individual users interests, and not just for the keyword typed into search engines.

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