Sunday, June 28, 2020

"I ♥ NY"

Milton Glaser, (1929-2020), the US graphic designer is perhaps best known for the "I ♥ NY" logo which he designed free of charge for a 1977 tourism campaign to promote his home city, amid a crime wave and financial crisis. The logo, using American Typewriter typeface rapidly gained recognition across the world and has been described as the most frequently imitated in history. He came up with the idea while riding in a taxi and scribbled it in red crayon on an envelope, which is now in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Glaser later said he was "flabbergasted by what happened to this little, simple nothing of an idea". He studied at New York’s Cooper Union art school but he preferred not to use the term “art” at all: “What I’m suggesting is we eliminate the term art and call everything work,”, Glaser said in 2000.

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