Thursday, October 29, 2020

Storytelling can make the idea

The new idea must be externalised, that is, communicated to an audience, be it to inspire or win over a colleague, a team or a client. And communicating the idea is essentially about storytelling, which is a skill that can be developed or improved upon. This skill entails a few characteristics, notably the ability to contextualise the idea, that is, to explain, show or demonstrate how the idea fit into the broader vision or picture of things. Another noticeable feature is to make the idea action-oriented, that is, to present the idea so it becomes clear what real difference it can make if, and when realised. And, not least, build trust into your storytelling by not exaggerate the idea to make it seem larger, more important or better than it really is. Because an effective way to undermine the creditbility of an idea is with impressive-sounding, but ultimately unhelpful, boring or meaningless platitudes.

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