Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Idea mapping

In the context of design, 'idea' is understood as a basic element of thought that can be either visual, concrete or abstract. Although it may seem, at times difficult to characterise concreteness and abstractness in ideation, the abstract idea may roughly overlap with the concept of a mental or cognitive map, or just about any mental representation or model, while the visual idea may take on the sign of a visual map, and the concrete idea represented in material form (physical object or artefact). But whatever shape, form or matter the idea takes, ideation is a kind of purposeful wayfinding where the ideators orient themselves in space and time with the help of ideation tools, viz, words, drawings, modelling and computing to cover both physical and cognitive creative activities. Now, wayfinding, in physical space is increasingly facilitated by technology, for example, GPS, or satellite-based radio navigation. In a similar way, ideators can navigate creative space using transformative technologies, such as artificial intelligence for data mapping while maintaining direction and control. Such use of AI-powered data mapping tools may help idea generation and facilitate innovation. That is, idea mapping to enhance ideation and break new creative ground.

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