Saturday, August 05, 2023

Synthetic ideation

Synthetic media is a catch-all term to describe video, image, text, or voice that has been fully or partially generated using artificial intelligence. So, synthetic media includes ideas that have been fully or partially generated and presented using generative artificial intelligence, GAI. Conversely, non-synthetic media can be any other media, that is, media that is produced by human input. Take a freehand idea sketch, for example. Drawn entirely by a human, the rough sketch would fall under non-synthetic media, or non-synthetic ideation. Now think of a human-generated freehand sketch which has been digitised and where an GAI image editor is used to add a feature to the sketch. This new (altered) image is partially generated by AI (the picture being modified by algorithms), and we can thus say the idea, as represented by the image is “synthetic.” Ideas thus generated, or synthetic ideation may pose the question; "who is better at ideation - GAI or human?" GAI has brought a revolution in image editing, that is, a technology that turns manual image editing processes into automtic or semi-automatic actions. GAI, then, in drawing on a vast and varied image bank (datasets), and at speed, is a powerful ideation tool. Yet GAI is not a simple substitute for human decision-making and to fully appreciate the idea, the discerning eye (judgement) will be human, at least for now.

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