Monday, January 15, 2024

Idea curation

The rapid advancement of generative AI may suggest that AI and automation could replace entry-level designers, that is, designers whose main tasks are with creating repetitive designs. But even more senior designers might be at risk as their roles are becoming impacted of AI which is capable of keeping up with the latest design trends and fulfil the needs of mainstream clients,. One approach to turning the risk into opportunity could be designers adapting to a new role where they can act as curators of AI-generated products and services, rather than being sole ideators themselves. That is, using AI as a tool, pulling and filtering ideas from as many places and people as possible (sourcing, organising and prioritising) and then, in conversation with others (sharing insights), asserting and selecting the best. In this way, AI can augment creativity as well as making it more challenging. Indeed, many designers prefer using generative AI over working without it, and they collaborate more effectively when using it. AI-proofed designers, then, may be those whose ideas are crafted and curated with AI integrated in their workflow.

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