Saturday, February 07, 2015

Ideation and augmented reality

In the real world, which is physically experienced rather than mediated through digital processes, design ideas are typically generated and communicated through talking, writing, freehand drawing and sketch modelling. In contrast, virtual reality replaces the real world with a computer-simulated one giving rise to an immersive experience with few or no constraints of the real world, such as societal norms, history or culture. Another immersive experience is augmented reality where artificial information about the environment and its objects can be overlaid on the real world to the extent that virtual reality is modified to blend with real life. With augmented reality, unlike virtual reality where ideas may appear as conceived by unrestrained imagination, users continue to be in touch with the real world while interacting with virtual objects around them. Augmented reality, then, in combining real and virtual elements, may suggest a hybrid ideation process where ideas appear more realistic than fanciful.

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