Monday, April 15, 2024

AI facilitates ideation across cultures

Generative artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT can help designers not only generate but also communicate ideas and whether in spoken, written or visual forms, or combinations thereof. Moreover, chatbots can be particularly helpful to designers for whom English is a second language and so enabling them to focus on the creative content of their idea. That is, human language (spoken and written), although supple and flexible, does not always fully capture the richness of ideas while remaining mindful of the interrelationship between concepts and lived experience. So the original state of the idea might get diffused, distorted or lost in translation from one language to another, notably when it comes to cultural nuances or idiomatic expressions. This highlights why spoken or written words need to be supplemented or supported by images in the ideation process (multi-modal communication). Generative artificial intelligence, then, is becoming an influential and practical design tool in the development of ideas and ideas communication.

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